Season Four

Perhaps the most dramatic game the DWSC held in Maine, Season 4 showcased subtle strategy, a kidnapping twist, and a tribe of underdogs rising up to shape everything that unfolded after the merge.

WATCH: Access all episodes of Season 4 here.


Click on a player’s name to access their ‘Behind The Player’ podcast!

Nina Acosta
Wyndi Allen-Todd
Corey Altiere
Samantha Belanger
Matt Bischoff
Spencer Bledsoe
Laura Bocianksi
Maria Bruno
Kurt Conner
John Hamer
Kyle Jason
Ryan Kaiser
Jeremiah Knutson
Alex MacDonald
Donna Martello
Keith Medeiros
Derek Meredith
Dan Poersch
Rachel Presby
Amanda Sarhatt
Kelly Shinn
Twila Tanner
Julie Wheeler
Ariel Zlatkovski

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